This program is devoted to information sciences and is centered around the question

“How to process, transmit, store, and protect information efficiently?”

The master starts with foundational courses in information processing, and builds around three main areas:

This cross-disciplinary second-year master (corresponding to 30ECTS) delivers the ``Diplôme National de Master'' from Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IPP) which is a umbrella world-class university encompassing Ecole Polytechnique, ENSAE Paris, ENSTA Paris, Telecom Paris, and Telecom SudParis.
This master offers students a strong background on both fundamentals of information processing and related technologies. This allows students to later pursue an academic career or a career in the industry or a startup-oriented carer in the fields of data science and/or communication technologies. Faculty members are internationally-renowned professors in their respective field.

Who is concerned?

How to apply?

Click on this link for application's website


For further information on this program, please feel free to contact